Blinn Trustees Bentke and Kettler are sworn in at May board meeting
Outgoing Trustee Douglas Borchardt is honored

May 16, 2023
Trustees Allison Bentke and Diane Kettler were sworn in and the Blinn College District celebrated Trustee Douglas Borchardt’s 13 years on the Board of Trustees at its regular meeting Tuesday in Brenham.
The board canvassed the May 6 general election precinct returns and issued certificates of election. Bentke and Kettler were sworn in by City of Brenham mayor Milton Tate. Bentke was appointed to represent Precinct 3 in 2021 and ran unopposed in this year’s election.
Kettler defeated Andi Liner in the race for Precinct 2. Borchardt announced in November that he would not seek re-election to his seat representing Precinct 2.
After both trustees were sworn in, the board re-elected Jim Kolkhorst as Board Chair and also elected Bentke the Vice-Chair and Randy Wells as Board Secretary.
In recognition of Borchardt’s 13 years of service, the board issued a resolution expressing its appreciation and presented him with a commemorative plaque.
In other business, the board accepted the donation of a Weber Concert grand piano for use by the Music Department and authorized the College to negotiate and execute a state agency advance funding agreement with the Texas Department of Transportation to perform a sidewalk realignment on College Avenue within a Department of Transportation right-of-way.
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