Nursing website ranks Blinn ADN Program No. 4 in the southwestern United States ranking is based on NCLEX pass rate, academic quality, affordability, and reputation

November 8, 2023
The Blinn College District Associate Degree Nursing (ADN) Program has again been recognized as one of the best colleges in the region for training the next generation of nursing professionals. ranked Blinn the No. 4 ADN program in the southwestern United States. The rankings were developed based upon a methodology that considers each program’s academic quality, National Council Licensure Examination (NCLEX) first-attempt pass rate, affordability, and reputation. has ranked Blinn’s program in its top five each year since 2019.
“The accolades our program consistently receives are a reflection of the hard work and dedication of our talented faculty and students, as well as the local healthcare providers who offer invaluable clinical opportunities and professional insights that enhance our instruction,” said Dr. Karla Ross, ADN Program Director.
Blinn’s ADN Program is based at the RELLIS Academic Alliance Complex at Texas A&M-RELLIS in Bryan, where students gain hands-on skills utilizing the facility’s 16,000-square-foot simulation laboratories.
Blinn’s two-year program prepares students for nursing careers and for transfer into a bachelor’s degree program at a four-year university. Students who complete Blinn’s ADN Program and pass the national licensure exam have a job placement rate between 97 and 100% and are qualified for a wide array of nursing positions, including pediatric, geriatric, hospice, school, and clinical nursing. With demand soaring in the nursing field, the U.S. Bureau of Labor Statistics reports that registered nurses earn a median salary of $81,200.
“I started Blinn’s program with no medical background and gained the knowledge and skills required to embark on my new position as a medical-surgery oncology nurse in Houston,” said recent program graduate Heather Molloy.
In addition to the traditional two-year track, Blinn’s ADN Program offers a Licensed Vocational Nursing-Transition pathway to transition licensed vocational nurses with field experience to registered nurses. The program also established a pipeline for certified paramedics to become registered nurses through the Paramedic to RN Transition pathway.
Blinn’s ADN Program recently partnered with the Texas A&M School of Nursing to provide students with an affordable pathway to their bachelor’s degree in nursing (BSN). The Aggie Student-Centered Express Nursing Degree (ASCEND) Program allows students to co-enroll with both schools to earn their ADN degree with Blinn and their BSN with Texas A&M in as little as one additional semester. Blinn also maintains transfer partnerships with other universities, including Sam Houston State University.
For more information about Blinn’s ADN Program, visit
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