Academic Probation and Suspension
Minimum Academic Standards
In order to achieve and remain in academic good standing at Blinn College, you must maintain a cumulative grade point average of at least 2.0.
What is Academic Probation?
If you fall below a 2.0 cumulative grade point average (GPA) at the end of any fall or spring semester, you will be placed on academic probation.
Consequences of being placed on Academic Probation:
- You may be required to forfeit college scholarships and may be subject to a loss of veteran’s benefits and other financial aid.
- You will be ineligible to be a candidate for an elected or appointed office of a college-sponsored activity or social organization. This restriction does not apply if participation in the activity or organization is part of the requirements of a college course.
Students on academic probation may freely register for an upcoming semester, however, they are strongly encouraged to meet with an academic advisor to discuss academic recovery and preventing academic suspension.
Students cannot appeal their academic probation. If there is a grade discrepancy, the student must start a grade appeal with the instructor.
What is Academic Suspension?
If you fail to achieve a minimum 2.0 term GPA at the end of your probation semester, you will be placed on academic suspension and will not be allowed to attend Blinn College for one long (fall or spring) semester.
Students on academic suspension must be advised before registration. If you have registered for an upcoming semester before being placed on suspension, you must be re-advised to keep your course registration.
At the end of this suspended semester, you may re-enter the College and will be placed on academic probation; however, you must meet with an academic advisor before registering for courses.
Academic Suspension Appeal
Students who have been academically suspended but have had extenuating circumstances preventing them from achieving the minimum 2.0 GPA may submit an appeal for reinstatement.
This appeal must be made in writing to the academic appeals committee. Appeals are submitted via the Academic Suspension Appeal Form, a link to the form will be sent to suspended students via email and text message along with important deadline information. Students who believe that they have not received any information regarding submitting an appeal can contact .
The decision of the academic appeals committee is final. No appeal for reinstatement may be made after the appeal deadline.
Please note that academic suspension appeal and financial aid suspension appeals are different. Students must use a separate process to request reinstatement of financial aid funds.
A student with an approved academic appeal may be subject to conditions determined by the academic suspension appeals committee including but not limited to meeting with an academic advisor on a prescribed basis, a reduction in the number of credit hours they may register for, and being allowed to only register for specific courses that the committee deems appropriate.
What Academic Probation and Suspension is Not:
- SAP Appeal – students who have had their financial aid suspended may submit an appeal. This is a completely separate process from an academic suspension appeal. For more information on Financial Aid eligibility and SAP please visit Satisfactory Academic Progress.
- Disciplinary Probation - Blinn College maintains rules and regulations and reserves the right to dismiss or to place on disciplinary probation a student who violates or commits an infraction of the rules. A student who is placed on disciplinary probation forfeits the privilege of holding elective offices and honors. For more information on Disciplinary Probation please visit the Student Code of Conduct.
What to do if you’ve been placed on Academic Probation or Suspension
Students are notified via their Blinn email address and notices go out at the end of every long semester. If you receive notice that you have been placed on Academic Probation or Suspension, please consider doing the following:
- Learn the Specifics
Do you understand what it means to be placed on academic probation/suspension and any consequences that come with it? If you are unsure, meet with an academic advisor who can address any questions or concerns you have. - Be Honest with Yourself
Have you been attending class or seeking out the resources on campus? If not, be honest with yourself about how these things could be hindering your academic success. - Work on Managing Your Priorities
Reflect on your time and determine how you can make better use of it to work on your priorities and achieve your goals. Do you know how many hours you spend in class and on homework? How do you handle the stress of unexpected events? Are the things you spend your time on helping you achieve your goals? - Seek Out Resources
Familiarize yourself with campus resources. Academic Advising, the Learning Center, the Writing Center, and Counseling Services are just a few of the resources available to you as a Blinn student. These offices are here to serve you and look forward to visiting with you. - Ask for Help
You should always be open to asking for help when you need it. There is no shame in reaching out. In fact, you are to be commended for seeking assistance as it shows that you are taking responsibility and controlling your own destiny!
Also, you might need to make some tough decisions.
- Should you appeal your suspension, or is it in your best interest to sit out a semester?
- Will you still be eligible for financial aid? If not, are you prepared to pay out of pocket until you regain financial aid eligibility?